Expert Dry Eye Care

At Eye Center of New York, we understand the impact that dry eye can have on your daily life. Dr. Melissa Sherman, an expert in dry eye disease, and our dedicated team take this chronic condition seriously. 

Dry Eye Diagnostic and Treatment Clinic at the Eye Center of New York

Dry eye treatment in New York City is not a one-size-fits-all issue; it encompasses various coexisting disease states, including meibomian gland disease, aqueous deficiency, and inflammation. In recent years, new advanced diagnostic and treatment devices have been developed and can make a substantial difference in treating this condition.

Dr. Raviv is a national expert on dry eye disease. He was among a group of dry eye specialists who recently published a comprehensive review of dry eye disease and its latest treatments. Dr. Sherman combines the latest know-how with the latest technology at the Eye Center of New York Dry Eye Clinic. We are one of the only area practices that offer in-office LipiFlow®,  IPL, and Blephex.

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Dry-Eye Diagnostics

Your first dry eye consult visit with us will be unlike any other you've had. We've invested in the latest generation of testing technology.

Our commitment to providing the best care starts with precise diagnostics, including evaluating meibomian glands for meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). We utilize cutting-edge technology to evaluate your condition thoroughly:

  • Corneal Topography: Mapping the cornea's surface for a comprehensive understanding of how your eye's tear film affects your vision.
  • Early Sjögren Markers Blood Test: Identifying markers related to Sjögren's syndrome, an autoimmune condition affecting the eyes.
  • Fluorescein and Vital Dye Staining: Assessing the cornea and conjunctiva's integrity to tailor treatment plans.
  • Lipid Layer Thickness Measurement: Using interferometry to measure the thickness of the lipid layer, guiding our treatment strategies.
  • Meibography: Capturing detailed images of the meibomian glands to aid diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • Meibomian Gland Evaluation and Expression Score: This key indicator helps us understand the extent of gland dysfunction.
  • MMP-9 Tear Assay: An innovative test to identify inflammation in the tears, assisting in targeted treatment.
  • Schirmer Testing: Measuring tear production to identify aqueous deficiency.
  • SPEED Questionnaire: A patient-reported questionnaire to gauge the severity of dry eye symptoms.
  • Tear Break-Up Time: Determining how long it takes for your tears to break up, influencing the choice of interventions.
  • Tear Osmolarity: Measuring the balance of tear components to understand the osmotic state of the tears.

Dry Eye and MGD Treatments

Having a precise diagnosis allows us to tailor treatments to your specific needs. Our dry eye treatments in NYC include:

  • Autologous Serum Eye Drops (ASED): Customized eye drops using your blood to provide a nourishing solution for the ocular surface.
  • Blephex: A quick and efficient in-office deep eyelid cleaning treatment to address eyelid inflammation and promote a healthy lid margin.
  • Debridement of Lid Margin: A precise cleaning procedure to address specific eyelid issues.

  • Doxycycline and Azithromycin Drops: Oral medications to manage underlying causes of dry eye.

  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): Harnessing IPL technology for long-lasting relief from dry eye and MGD.
  • Lid-Warming Eye Masks: Enhancing the function of meibomian glands through controlled warming.

  • LipiFlow® – Vectored Eyelid Thermal Pulsation: A breakthrough in-office treatment targeting blocked meibomian glands.
  • Omega-3 – Triglyceride Form: Oral supplements to support overall eye health.
  • Prescription Cyclosporine Drops (Restasis, Cequa, Vevye): Managing inflammation to promote a healthier ocular surface.
  • Prescription Meibo Drops: This new, non-aqueous, preservative-free, soothing eye drop can help relieve symptoms in weeks.
  • Prescription Tyrvaya: This nasal spray helps enhance the eye's natural tear flow and has been effective in patients who have failed other artificial tear therapies.
  • Prescription Xiidra Drops: Targeting inflammation for improved tear production and reduced symptoms.
  • ProKera Amniotic Membrane: A therapeutic, biologic, contact-lens-like device that rapidly rehabilitates moderate or severe dry eye.
  • Protopic Ointment: Addressing specific eyelid issues through a targeted ointment application.
  • Punctal Occlusion with Punctal Plugs: Conserving tears by blocking the drainage ducts, aiding in moisture retention.
  • Tea Tree Oil-Based Lid Cleanser: Combating bacterial overgrowth on the eyelids, a common contributor to dry eye.
  • Tear Substitutes, Drops, and Gels: Providing immediate relief and maintaining optimal tear balance.

What is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a term used to describe a host of conditions that create irritation, burning, grittiness, tearing, and redness of the eyes. Dry eye is multifactorial and may be secondary to decreased tear production, corneal exposure, or too rapid an evaporation of tears due to a poor lipid layer (an oil layer that coats a healthy tear film). 

Once the type of dry eye is found, there are multiple ways to treat the condition, including artificial tears, prescription eye drops, oral supplements, lid hygiene routines, and in-office procedures such as LipiFlow® and IPL. As a dry eye center of excellence, Eye Center of New York features Dr. Sherman and Dr. Raviv, who have extensive experience with dry eye diagnosis and treatment.

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LipiFlow: Targeting Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

A major factor in dry eye disease is occluded oil glands in the lid — the meibomian glands. Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) must be properly identified and controlled to relieve dry eye symptoms and improve tear function. This relief can be accomplished with at-home treatments, such as lid cleaning with a special tea tree oil-containing cleanser and daily heating with microwaveable eye masks.

The most advanced treatment involves an in-office thermal pulsation device (LipiFlow), which simultaneously heats all four eyelids and thoroughly clears out the meibomian glands. Dozens of published papers and our clinical experience find that (in conjunction with other dry eye therapy) patients usually find up to a year or more of relief from symptoms following LipiFlow.

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Intensed Pulsed Light (IPL): Transformative Relief for Dry Eye and MGD

IPL is the latest treatment available for dry eye and MGD. IPL has been used for two decades by dermatologists to treat age spots and vascular (blood vessel-related) conditions such as rosacea. Many of those patients experienced an improvement in their dry eye. 

IPL has been optimized specifically for long-lasting dry eye relief and has emerged as one of the most successful treatments for dry eye and MGD. Performed in our office without pain or downtime, IPL (often combined with LipiFlow) is one of the most effective in-office treatments for long-term dry eye control.

Blephex: Efficient Eyelid Cleaning

Blepharitis is a common eyelid condition that can lead to symptoms such as burning, itching, flaking, eyelid discharge, eyelid redness, and frequent pink eye-like flare-ups. Blephex, or MicroBlepharoExfoliation, is an in-office treatment performed by our staff.

This efficient and thorough cleaning of the eyelid margin provides lasting relief, typically repeated every three to four months for sustained benefits. Combining Blephex with LipiFlow is a common approach for enhanced outcomes.

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Assess Your Dry Eye with Our Questionnaire

Understanding the severity of dry eye symptoms is crucial. Take our questionnaire to provide insights into your condition and guide our specialists in creating a personalized treatment plan. Your responses will contribute to a comprehensive evaluation, ensuring we effectively address your unique concerns.

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