Tal Raviv, MD elected president of the New York Intra-Ocular Lens Implant Society
Dr. Raviv will serve as president of the prestigious and exclusive New York Intra-Ocular Lens Implant Society. The 40-person society, which counts as members of some of the nation's top cataract surgery thought leaders, continues to flourish in its 37th year. Following his...
View MoreDr. Tal Raviv invited to speak at the annual Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (APACRS) meeting in Kuala Lumpur
New York cataract surgeon Tal Raviv presenting in Kuala Lumpur on laser cataract surgeryDr. Raviv was invited to speak at the 28th annual APACRS meeting, which was held this year in Kuala Lumpur. He gave a video presentation on cataract surgical complication management, as...
View MoreNew York Cataract Surgeon Dr. Tal Raviv is One of the First to Use Latest Laser Cataract Surgery Upgrade
We are proud at Eye Center of New York to be one of the first area practices to give access to the latest laser cataract surgery upgrades. Dr. Raviv was recently interviewed by nationally circulated, industry periodical Ocular Surgery News about his experience utilizi...
View More2014 Millennial Award Goes to Tal Raviv, MD
Tal Raviv MD was the proud recipient of the 2014 Millennial Award. Presented in Austin Texas last month, Dr. Raviv was selected by his US peers for his leadership, teachings, and contributions to ophthalmology. Dr. Raviv writes a monthly column for t...
View MoreDr. Raviv Receives the 2014 Millennial Award from MillennialEYE
Honored @MillennialEYE: Congrats to @TalRavivMD for receiving the 2014 Millennial Award! Much deserved #MELiveAustin pic. twitter. com/tNcYXs0UbP” — Tal Raviv (@TalRavivMD) November 23, 2014 ...
View MoreNew York Cataract Surgeon Dr. Raviv to Direct First Annual Refractive Cataract Surgery Course
This Saturday, November 8th, Dr. Raviv will be the course director for a New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai sponsored one day course on “Refractive Cataract Surgery”. Dr. Raviv, along with a panel of international experts will be presenting to fellow o...
View MoreWelcome!
Welcome to our new practice website. There is a lot of information about ophthalmology on the web, and we've distilled it to what we deem the important essentials prior to, or following, your visit. We will be adding functionality and features to the site in the future. In...
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