Embark on a transformative journey to visual brilliance with cataract surgery at the Eye Center of New York.
What Are Cataracts, and How Are They Treated?
For most, cataracts in NYC are a normal aging phenomenon that occurs when the eye’s natural lens becomes cloudy due to age or other causes. For a small subset, cataracts occur earlier in life from other known and unknown causes. Modern cataract surgery can be thought of as lens replacement surgery, where the natural but cloudy lens is removed and replaced with a new crystal-clear, man-made intraocular lens (IOL) implant.
The new implant restores the clarity of the optical system and results in improved vision. With premium IOLs, the implant not only treats cataracts but also corrects refractive errors, such as astigmatism and presbyopia–providing a comprehensive vision solution tailored to the unique characteristics of your eyes.